Inelastic neutron scattering study of PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have synthesized and investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure (space group... -
Subtle magnetic phase transitions in multiferroic BiFeO3
This experiment seeks to probe the magnetic structure of multiferroic BiFeO3 and its evolution on lowering temperature, with the specific aim of identifying magneto-structural... -
Copy of: Magnetic excitations in the one dimensional (1D) spin-chain systems:...
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 type structure has attracted a lot attention in recent years due to geometrical frustration... -
Muon Spin Resonance investigations on two quantum critical points in CeFeAs1-...
Recently, it has been reported that CeFeAsO belongs to orthorhombic structure where both Fe and Ce moments order antiferromagnetically around 140K and 4K, respectively, whereas...