Cross-border integration and local communities, 2012: Effects of the entry of...
V okviru programske skupine ARRS "Območja kulturnega stika v integracijskih procesih" je bila med pripadniki madžarske narodne manjšine v Prekmurju, na obmejnem območju,... -
Čezmejna družbeno-kulturna integracija prebivalcev obmejnih občin, 2015
V okviru programske skupine ARRS »Območja kulturnega stika v integracijskih procesih« so bile na štirih obmejnih območjih izvedene javnomnenjske telefonske anketne raziskave z... -
Attitudes in Russia to Social and Political Aspects of Human Trafficking, 2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This is a mixed-methods collection. The project collected representative data across Russian regions on... -
Where rising powers meet: China and Russia at their North Asian border, 1900-...
This data collection contains various data about current-economic and social practices in the border region shared between Russia, China and Mongolia, combining historical and...