Covid Uncovered: Een visuele etnografie over de impact van COVID19 maatregele...
Nu de COVID19 pandemie naar de achtergrond verdwijnt, is het belangrijk om te reflecteren op de maatregelen en de langdurige en aanhoudende impact hiervan op het dagelijks leven... -
COVID19 Model Based Projection Visualizer
Modifications done by the CASUS team to the visualization website for MATSim/EpiSim software, originally developed by TU Berlin at https://github.com/matsim-vsp/covid-sim, as... -
Projecting the Spread of COVID19 for Germany
We model the evolution of the number of individuals reported sick with COVID-19 in Germany. Our theoretical framework builds on a continuous time Markov chain with four states:... -
Rebuilding our schools: where do we start? Education in Times of Uncertainty:...
This is a keynote presentation given at the UCL Institute of Education, Inclusive and Special Education Conference (ISEC), August 2021, London UK. -
A three-wave network analysis of COVID-19's impact on schizotypal traits, par...
Background The 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted people’s mental wellbeing. Studies to date have examined the prevalence of mental health symptoms (anxiety,... -
Self-Perceived Loneliness and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Two-...
This is the README file for the scripts of the preprint "Self-Perceived Loneliness and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Two-Wave Replication Study" by Carollo et al....