7 datasets found

Keywords: CONLL U

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  • Training corpus ssj500k 2.3

    The ssj500k training corpus contains about 500,000 tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation....
  • Corpus of scientific texts of contemporary Slovenian KZB 1.0

    The Corpus of scientific texts of contemporary Slovenian consists of 25 million words from scientific monographs and scientific papers written mainly between 2000 and 2023. It...
  • Training corpus SUK 1.0

    The SUK training corpus contains about 1 million tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation, with...
  • Training corpus SUK 1.1

    The SUK training corpus contains about 1 million tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation, with...
  • Training corpus jos1M 1.2

    The jos1M corpus contains 1 million words of sampled paragraphs from the Gigafida corpus. It is meant to serve as a training corpus for word-level tagging of Slovene. This...
  • CorefUD conversion of Slovene coreference resolution corpus coref149

    This corpus is the CorefUD conversion of the coref149 corpus for coreference resolution in Slovene (http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1182). It contains 149 documents annotated with...
  • Training corpus ssj500k 2.2

    The ssj500k training corpus contains about 500,000 tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation....
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