Thalassiosira rotula culture experiments for the assessment of phytoplankton ...
Three culture experiment on the diatom Thalassiosira rotula were conducted within two 2L-photobioreactors under controlled conditions of light and temperature (20 ± 0.02 °C).... -
Benthic biota characterisation in the vicinity of the Goldeneye platform duri...
A baseline survey of the benthic community structure in the vicinity of the Goldeneye platform, in the North Sea. -
Interactive webapp for techno-economic analysis of the cost competitiveness o...
This interactive webapp can be used to reproduce figures from an accompanying article by the same authors that studies the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen. Some... -
CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage): CO2-Speicherung unter der Nordsee
CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) - CO2 storage under the North Sea: CO2 capture and storage in geological formations can be applied to reduce CO2 emissions. In Europa,... -
CO2-Reduktion in der Zement- und Kalkindustrie – Wie vermeidet man unvermeidb...
CO2 reduction in the cement and lime industry - How to avoid unavoidable emissions? CO2 emissions of the cement and lime industry are an especially challenging topic for the... -
Übersicht der Maßnahmen zur Verringerung der CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre
Im vorliegenden Kapitel wird eine Übersicht der wichtigsten CDR-Verfahren zusammengestellt. Bei diesen unterscheidet man oft marine und terrestrische Methoden. Wir... -
Media Coverage of Carbon Capture and Storage: An Analysis of Established and ...
The aim of the study was to investigate the main arguments used for and against CCS in national newspapers in the Netherlands. Newspaper articles were analyses using Qualtrics... -
Supplement to: Dataset of the Back-production Test at the CO2 Storage Pilot S...
Dataset of the Back-production Test at the CO2 Storage Pilot Site Ketzin, Germany