Immune response research for B.belcheri
Study the immune response mechanism of B.belcheri through processing at different times -
transcriptome analysis of different developmental stages of amphioxus (Branch...
RNA-Seq data and DGE-Seq data of this project -
Branchiostoma belcheri Transcriptome or Gene expression
Amphioxus is one of the most ancient species in chordates, and it is believed to associate with the evolutional root of vertebrates. To investigate amphioxus tissues in... -
MiRNA data from 8 tissues
Original miRNA data of 8 different organs of Branchiostoma belcheri -
Branchiostoma belcheri & Branchiostoma floridae & Branchiostoma japon...
The amphioxus, also known as lancelet, is the modern representative of the subphylum Cephalochordata, providing evolutionary insight into the origin of vertebrate. Both... -
Immune response research for B.belcheri based on small RNA
small RNA sequencing of bbe -
Solexa sequencing of small RNAs in Chinese Amphioxus
We applied Solexa sequencing technology to identify Amphioxus microRNA genes. We identified 113 amphioxus microRNA genes, 55 were conserved across species and coded for 45... -
Sun Yat-Sen University Transcriptome or Gene expression
Amphioxus is exposed to 2 antibiotic treatments: chloramphenicol, and chloramphenicol + ampicillin. Tissues of the amphioxus digestive system from the pharyngeal gill slits to... -
454 sequencing of cDNA library of Branchiostoma belcheri
Global transcriptome profiling of early antibacterial response in amphioxus via cross-species genome-wide comparison by pyrosequencing -
phylogenetic study of Juglans
clarify the position of Juglans hopeiensis -
Branchiostoma belcheri isolate:BH_CUHK Genome sequencing and assembly
The genome sequencing, assembly and annotation of the Beihai amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri -
Tracking the origin and evolutionary dynamics of RNA editing in metazoans
Whole-genome DNA-seq and strand-specific RNA-seq on 18 species, including 14 metazoans and four unicellular eukaryotes closely related to metazoans. For each species, two to... -
Branchiostoma belcheri Genome sequencing and assembly
The current whole-genome shotgun (WGS) assembly was sequenced from an single male of the Chinese amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. The draft diploid assembly was generated from... -
Genome sequencing and assembly of three amphioxuses
We assembled the genomes of three amphioxuses using Pacbio long-read sequencing and Hi-C technology. The genomes were assembled to the chromosome level. -
Whole-genome resequencing of 20 Branchiostoma belcheri individuals Raw sequen...
This study aimed to identify the genomic polymorphism sites of Branchiostoma belcheri -
Whole-Genome Resequencing Reveals the Pleistocene Temporal Dynamics of Branch...
This study aims to reveal the temporal dynamics of Branchiostoma belcheri and Branchiostoma floridae populations during the Pleistocene using a whole-genome resequencing strategy. -
Original miRNA data of 8 different organs of Branchiostoma belcheri
Original miRNA of Branchiostoma belcheri -
Branchiostoma belcheri Genome sequencing
Amphioxus is exposed to 2 antibiotic treatments: chloramphenicol, and chloramphenicol + ampicillin. Adult amphioxus digestive tract is separated after 0, 6, 12, and 24 hours, 2... -
Branchiostoma belcheri Raw sequence reads
gene expression analysis -
Branchiostoma belcheri Transcriptome or Gene expression
The transcripts of Branchiostoma belcheri.