Radiogenic lead composition of surface sediments from the Arctic Ocean
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Component analysis of selected sampling stations from the shallow Banc d' Arg...
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(Table 2) Loose-sediment quantification of seafloor sediment samples as perce...
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Biometric traits of Lophelia pertusa corallites across a broad Atlantic and M...
Vegetative and morphometric corallite traits were quantified on skeletal samples of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa (syn. Desmophyllum pertusum). The aim was to... -
Grain size distribution for sediment samples of HEINCKE cruise HE422
NOAH aims to establish a comprehensive (geo-referenced) inventory of seabed properties in the German Bight by Studying temporal and spatial variability in physical,... -
Biometric traits of Lophelia pertusa corallites across a broad Atlantic and M...
Vegetative and morphometric corallite traits were quantified on skeletal samples of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. The aim was to characterize the morphological... -
Brominated flame retardants and dechloranes in North Sea sediments in 2012/2013
53 brominated and chlorinated flame retardants were investigated in sediment samples from the German rivers Elbe and Weser, the German Bight, Jadebusen, East Frisian Coast as... -
Organic contaminants (PAH, PCB and DDT) in sediments and porewater of the Ger...
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(Tab. XIII.1) TOC content, carbonate content, carbonate mineralogy, percentag...
Modern carbonate sedimentation takes place on the northern Mauritanian shelf (20°N), where typical tropical components (e.g. hermatypic reefs, calcareous green algae) are... -
(Table 1) Quantitative analysis of mollusk taxa from surface sediment samples...
Ecological and taxonomic study of the mollusk-rich fauna of the Golfe d'Arguin, North Mauritania, investigates the various environmental influences affecting this tropical... -
(Table 1) Silt grain-size analysis of sediment surface samples in the Golfe d...
Continental shelf systems are highly dynamic sedimentary environments, where sediments from biogenic production as well as from terrigenous sources are redistributed in the... -
Radiocarbon measurements and loose-sediment quantification of seafloor sedime...
Heterozoan carbonates are typical for extratropical sedimentary systems. However, under mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, heterozoan carbonates also form in tropical... -
Radiogenic neodymium composition of surface sediments from the Arctic Ocean
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Results of X-ray diffraction analysis and quantification of mineral phases ba...
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Documentation of sediment core PS72/287-1
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Ultra-trace carbazoles in sediment samples of the Weser and Elbe Rivers and t...
Carbazole and some of its derivatives may possess dioxin-like toxicity and could be persistent in the environment, but information on their distribution and environmental fate... -
Distribution of desmoscolecida (Nematoda) in surface sediments of the Iberian...
Desmoscolecida from the continental slope and the deep-sea bottom (59-4354 m) off the Portuguese and Moroccan coasts are described. 18 species were identified: Desmoscolex... -
Permeability and porosity of North Sea surface sediment sampled during HEINCK...
Permeability of North Sea surface sediment was measured with falling head method on 5 cm long sediment cores sampled from Van Veen grabs. Porosity was estimated as weight loss... -
Seawater and sediment data from NOAH regions in the German Bight collected du...
NOAH aims to establish a comprehensive (geo-referenced) inventory of seabed properties in the German Bight by studying temporal and spatial variability in physical,... -
Documentation of sediment core GeoB17603-2
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