DATRAS North Sea Sandeel Survey
<p>The purpose of the sand eel dredge survey is to collect sand eels buried in the seabed and compare catches (number and age composition) with the previous year's... -
DATRAS Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey
<p>The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected during the Irish Anglerfish and Megrim survey.</p> -
Biogeographic data from BODC - British Oceanographic Data Centre
Partial contribution from the British Oceanographic Data Centre's databases (see below for details on status). -
DATRAS Scottish Rockall Groundfish Survey
<p>The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected during the Scottish Rockall Survey. This is a new survey... -
Scottish West Coast Groundfish Survey
<p>The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected during the Scottish West Coast Bottom Trawl Survey. This is... -
DATRAS Canadian Maritimes Trawl Survey
<p>The Fisheries and Oceans Canada ecosystem surveys are conducted annually and are a source of integrated ecosystem monitoring data. These survey data are the primary... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 935 g...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 746 o...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Norma...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Miljö...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Resul...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Svensk skogsfenologi - Svenskt skogsfenologidataset
As part of the SLU environmental monitoring and assessment program, the Experimental Forests of the university collect detailed phenological measurements and observations on the... -
Längd, ålder och uppskattade tillbakaräknade längder av gäddor (Esox lucis) i...
Data on estimated back-calculated body growth from both harvested and non-harvested populations of northern pike over 50 years along the Baltic Sea coast and in Lake Mälaren,... -
Längd, ålder och uppskattade tillbakaräknade längder av gäddor (Esox lucis) i...
Data on estimated back-calculated body growth from both harvested and non-harvested populations of northern pike over 50 years along the Baltic Sea coast and in Lake Mälaren,... -
PERMTHAW dataset 1, inklusive markbiokemiska, växthusgasflödes- och mikrobiol...
Permafrost soils contain approximately 1672 petagram carbon (C), twice the amount of the current atmosphere, and constitute 50% of the world’s belowground C pool. Along with the... -
Data från ett plottexperiment i Lönnstorp, Sverige, som blandar raps (OSR) me...
Data was generated from a plot experiment in Lönnstorp, Sweden intercropping oilseed rape (OSR) with various legumes to assess pests, pathogens and weeds 2019-2020. For more... -
Fem år av vegetationssuccession efter brand i produktionsskogar av tall med o...
To study plant community succession after fire and how it is influenced by time since previous (pre-fire) disturbance, vegetation data were collected in 2019, 5 years after a... -
Diametertillväxt hos träd i miombo och acaciaskog i ett eroderat landskap i n...
Diameter growth of 15 tree species in miombo and acacia woodland was monitored. All in all 239 individuals with a diameter >3 cm were measured intermittently from 1991 to... -
Algblomningar Sverige - 2021
Dataset containing images of algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. The data is provided with a metadata description containing time spotted, comments, municipality, county and... -
Algblomningar Sverige - 2022
Dataset containing images of algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. The data is provided with a metadata description containing time spotted, comments, municipality, county and...