Replication Data for: Emergence of Chemotactic Strategies with Multi-Agent Re...
Scripts used in the experiments and analysis presented in the paper. -
Supporting data for 'Collective Hall current in chiral active fluids: Couplin...
Supporting Brownian dynamics simulation data. It includes the simulated trajectories that were processed to produce the figures in the main text of the accompanying paper. The... -
demoa-base: a biophysics simulator for muscle-driven motion
For more information, such as installation, requirements and user guide, please see the demoa manual. The development of this package was supported by “Deutsche... -
LAMMPS input scripts for simulating archaeal division
LAMMPS input scripts and associated files for dunning example code replicating the main simulations discussed in "Physical mechanisms of ESCRT-III-driven cell division"... -
SG pore condensation example LAMMPS files
Input files to reproduce simulations of some example trajectories of a damaged vesicle undergoing plugging by LLPS droplet condensation at the site of the pore. Three folders...