A database-driven web site on all living cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Contact at cephbase@hotmail.com -
Data used in the case studies of manuscript "Beware of counter-intuitive leve...
Data used in the case studies of manuscript "Beware of counter-intuitive levels of false discoveries in omics: a tale of multiple testing on datasets with strong... -
A database-driven web site on all living cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Contact at cephbase@hotmail.com -
Detection and Annotation of Unique Regions in Mammalian Genomes
This dataset contains the macle indexes as well as the abridged gene2go tables constructed for each of the 18 analysed mammalian species. -
DMP of GenoToul Bioinfo facility
The data management plan of the infrastructure concerns three types of data: • Data-U: user data stored on working spaces assigned to user and project accounts. •... -
Brassicaceae transposable elements copies and Arabidopsis thaliana annotations
The Brassicaceae TE copies from Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 ecotype, Arabidopsis lyrata, Capsella rubella, Arabis alpina, Brassica rapa and Schrenkiella parvula, used for Duster... -
A database-driven web site on all living cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Contact at cephbase@hotmail.com -
Educational dataset: Application of long read sequencing to determine express...
The dataset is created for use in the teaching of the undergraduate course BINF200 - Analysis of Biological Sequences and Structures, first used in Autumn 2023. The dataset... -
Simulation of adaptive immune receptors and repertoires with complex immune i...
Data used in the manuscript "Simulation of adaptive immune receptors and repertoires with complex immune information to guide the development and benchmarking of AIRR machine... -
Specificity of Loxosceles alpha clade phospholipase D enzymes for choline-con...
This dataset contains molecular dynamic simulation data of Loxosceles phospholipase D enzymes, of both clades, in presence of different bilayer compositions. The enzymes... -
raw experiment data, source code, figures, manuscript and other relevant documents for the publication -
Data used in the article "Profiling the baseline performance and limits of ma...
All the input data required for simulating the immune state-associated signal and subsequent machine learning model training used in the article "Profiling the baseline... -
original experiment data, documents, manuscript for the publication -
Code and software used in the article "Profiling the baseline performance and...
This upload contains all the code and software used in the manuscript "Profiling the baseline performance and limits of machine learning models for adaptive immune receptor... -
Simulated dataset for MetaRib
Three simulated datasets with different scenarios and corresponding EMIRGE references. -
raw experiment data, code, figures, manuscript and other documents for the publication -
molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data for the publication -
figures, analysis data, source code and other relevant documents from the co-author Sandya P. Tiwari -
Data analysis results for: "MoDLE: High-performance stochastic modeling of DN...
Data part of this archive was generated for the following publication: "MoDLE: High-performance stochastic modeling of DNA loop extrusion interactions". Preprint:... -
figures, source data or code, manuscript for the publication