Microbiome of Exaiptasia diaphana and Berghia stephanieae fed and under diffe...
The cladobranch Berghia stephanieae is able to incorporate photobionts of its food source Exaiptasia diaphana and keeps these photobionts active for up to 5 days. Although both... -
High-throughput single-cell transcriptomes of the brain of the nudibranch Ber...
Previously, transcriptomics data for mollusc has been obtained by whole-brain bulk RNA-seq and low-throughput scRNA-seq. We want to construct the first molluscan high-throughput... -
Draft Genome of the photosymbiotic nudibranch Berghia stephanieae Raw sequenc...
The aeolid nudibranch Berghia stephanieae belongs to the group of nudibranchs that are able to associate with dinoflagellates (Symbiodiniaceae) and establish a photosymbiosis.... -
Transcriptome of the aeolid nudibranch Berghia stephanieae in symbiotic and a...
The aeolid nudibranch Berghia stephanieae belongs to the group of cladobranchs that are able to associate with dinoflagellates (Symbiodiniaceae) and establish a photosymbiosis.... -
A chromosome-level genome for the nudibranch gastropod Berghia stephanieae he...
How novel phenotypes originate from conserved genes, processes, and tissues remains a major question in biology. Research that sets out to answer this question often focuses on... -
Nudibranch opsins: identification, localization, and potential roles in extra...
R-type (rhabdomeric) opsins, which are common light-sensitive proteins in invertebrate eyes, have been identified in the eyes, brain and skin of many molluscan taxa. Little is... -
Scalable culture of the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae, an emerging research ...
Nudibranchs are shell-less, uncoiled, gastropod molluscs that exhibit many interesting biological and behavioral attributes, but are not well understood from a developmental or... -
Phylogenomics of Cladobranchia using RNA-Seq data
This project addresses the evolutionary history of taxa within the gastropod clade Cladobranchia. Using RNA-Seq (transcriptome) data collected from Illumina sequencing...