Prolonged Grief Severity and Lingering Attachment Predict Approach of the Dec...
The present dataset, syntax and output are connected to a published paper with the following identifier: https://doi.org/10.1002/jts.23124. The paper contains a detailed... -
How We Continue Bonds with Deceased Persons
Raw data for SPSS, Processed data for SPSS (analysed), Syntax for SPSS, Output for SPSS, Raw data CFA and EFA (R), R syntax and output. Connected to the paper with the same... -
Is rumination after bereavement linked with loss avoidance? Evidence from eye...
Rumination has been identified as a risk factor in adjustment to bereavement. It is associated with and predicts development and persistence of psychopathology after loss.... -
Trajectories of Insomnia Following Bereavement
This data package contains: Document describing data cleaning (in Dutch), Anonymized data for SPSS. Syntaxes and outputs belonging to the published article. Abstract from the... -
Cross-Lagged Analyses of Prolonged Grief and Depression Symptoms with Insomni...
This data package contains: Document describing data cleaning (in Dutch), Anonymized data for SPSS. Syntaxes and outputs belonging to the published article: 2 SPSS syntaxes.... -
Cognitive Reappraisal, Emotional Expression and Mindfulness in Adaptation to ...
Data for SPSS, Syntax for SPSS, Output for SPSS. Please note: this is a 3-wave survey dataset. Sociodemographic and loss characteristics are derived from the first wave (T0),... -
Co-occurence of approach and avoidance in prolonged grief A latent class ana...
The present dataset, syntax and output are connected to a paper with the same name published in European Journal of Psychotraumatology (doi: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2190544). This...