ELSA Stack sample information, alkanes and Lithium isotopes
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(Table T4) Concentrations of quantified biomarker lipids and compound indices...
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n-Alkane of sediment core GeoTü SL167
The data sets contains n-alkane data of sediment core GeoTü SL167.he measurements of n-alkanes were carried out using Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 GC-FID and Thermo Scientific... -
n-Alkane in sediments across the tropical North Atlantic
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n-Alkane in aerosols across the tropical North Atlantic
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n-Alkane in SPM of sediment traps across the tropical North Atlantic
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(Table 2) Location of marine sediment samples along the eastern Italian shelf...
MV: mean value.SD: standard deviation.Sediment samples represent the top 2 cm. -
(Table 4) Vegetation and soil ratios in all analyzed surface sediments from t...
Surface sediment samples were sampled from a depth interval of 0-2 cm. -
Soil-, fluvial-, plant- and marine derived organic carbon from surface sedime...
This dataset contains the bulk sediment parameters (total organic carbon (TOC), carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N), δ13C), lipid biomarker (branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol... -
Biomarker fingerprint of debris-flow, diamict, and hemipelagic sediments retr...
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(Table 1) Lipid biomarkers in surface sediments from the Gulf of Genoa
A series of molecular organic markers were determined in surface sediments from the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea) in order to evaluate their potential for palaeo-environmental... -
n-Alkane of the southeast Pacific sediment core MR16-09 PC03
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Alkane distribution in ancient permafrost deposits at the Batagay Megaslump, ...
Paq: aquatic organic matter proxy based on n-alkanes.This dataset presents the alkane concentrations (range: n-C17 to n-C33) from 30 sediment samples which are given in µg/g... -
Organic carbon content, C/N ratio, and alkanoic acid concentrations of the Ko...
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Organic carbon content, C/N ratio, and alkanoic acid concentrations of soil (...
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n-Alkanes of sediment core PG2412 beneath thermokarst lake Goltsovoye Lake on...
These datasets describe a 31.5 m long sediment core taken from beneath thermokarst lake Goltsovoye Lake (71.74515 N, 129.30217 E) on the Bykovsky Peninsula, northeastern... -
Biomarkers in a sediment core from Lake Otjikoto, Namibia
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(Table 2) Position, sampling season, tributary, water depth, TOC content, nC2...
Samples with only one deuterium measurement are marked with -
(Table 3) Position, water depth, core depth, TOC content, nC29–31 concentrati...
Samples with only one deuterium measurement are marked with *. -
(Table T1) Carbon, carbonate, n-alkane and alkenone concentrations of ODP Sit...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. #0 = below detection limit.