Pollen profile BUS8707, Bodensee-Untersee, Germany
This dataset was archived on 2014-09-12 from the EPD database (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). -
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
This dataset has no description
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
This dataset has no description
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
This dataset has no description
Plant DNA taxa detected in Lake Gers sediments (North-western Alps) over the ...
This dataset contains plant taxa detected by sedimentary DNA analyses. The dataset is presented in number of DNA sequences by replicate of analyses (8 PCR replicates). It has... -
Holocene palynological data of sediment core LdRS-06-01
This dataset has no description
Pollen record of forest-steppe natural archive Oskino-09
This dataset has no description
Pollen density in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake Superior, Minn...
Pollen density is measured per dry weight of sediment.TRSHR - Trees & shrubs groupUPHRB - Upland herbs groupWETEM - Wetland emergents groupAQUAT - Aquatics groupPTERI -... -
Relative abundance of pollen in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake ...
TRSHR - Trees & shrubs groupUPHRB - Upland herbs groupWETEM - Wetland emergents groupAQUAT - Aquatics groupPTERI - Pteridophytes groupSPORE - Spore group -
Pollen profile from sediment core De_Y
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2009 -
Pollen profile from sediment core De_V1
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2010 -
Pollen profile from sediment core De_I (27.4 cm in high resolution)
Analysed by Angelika Kleinmann 2010/2011 -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Siemen2
Pollen zones after Firbas I-III. 14C dating: 11235 ± 105 uncal. BP 760-780 cm. 200-830 cm Feindetritusgyttja -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Siemen1
Pollen zones after Firbas V-Xa. Bruchwaldtorf, 10-85 cm Tiefe -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Nienhofer Forst
Pollen zones after Firbas Xa-Xb. 45 cm Sphagnumtorf über 75 cm sandiger Mudde -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Laase2
Pollen zones after Firbas II-V. 14C dating: 10700 ± 145 uncal. BP. 135-205 cm Feindetritusgyttja, etwas kalkhaltig -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Laase1
Pollen zones after Firbas IV-X. 40-45 cm Torfmudde, bis 170 cm Feindetritusgyttja -
Pollen profile V and Ausfluss at Krumbach, Germany
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Pollen profile II/B at Krumbach, Germany
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Pollen profile I at Krumbach
This dataset has no description