Collection data and Genbank accession numbers of Stelligeridae revision
Collection data and Genbank accession numbers of demosponge specimens studied by Morrow et al. It includes species belonging to several families: Stelligeridae mainly but also... -
Upper-ocean microstructure data from the tropical Atlantic during ANTEA cruis...
Data of Microstructure Profiler MSS032Microstructure data was collected using a microstructure profiler MSS90D manufactured by Sea&Sun Technology in cooperation with... -
Upper-ocean microstructure data from the tropical Atlantic during ANTEA cruis...
Data of Microstructure Profiler MSS032Microstructure data was collected using a microstructure profiler MSS90D manufactured by Sea&Sun Technology in cooperation with... -
Upper-ocean microstructure data from the tropical Atlantic during ANTEA cruis...
Data of Microstructure Profiler MSS026Microstructure data was collected using a microstructure profiler MSS90D manufactured by Sea&Sun Technology in cooperation with...