Anadara sativa transcriptome library
The Anadara sativa is one of the most economically important aquatic clams that are harvested on a large scale by the mariculture industry in China. However, increasing reports... -
Scapharca subcrenata transcriptome
The ark shell Scapharca subcrenata is an important economic aquaculture species in China and Korea. In the latest years, mass mortality of S. subcrenata caused by outbreaks of... -
Effects of a Sudden Drop in Salinity on Scapharca subcrenata metabolism and i...
Transcriptome analysis of Scapharca subcrenata in different salinity treatments -
RNA-seq of Scapharca subcrenata
The rise of seawater temperature is projected to affect the health, growth, survival and distribution of marine mollusks. The ark shell, Scapharca subcrenata, are susceptible to... -
Anadara sativa Transcriptome or Gene expression
to investigate DEGs related to growth variability -
Mitochondrial genome sequencing
Sequencing of representative species of major mollusk taxa to compare assembly strategies -
Anadara kagoshimensis isolate:LNHKY-WANG Genome sequencing and assembly
The ark shell, Scapharca kagoshimensis, is a popular and essential native clam species that inhabits muddy sediments of shallow coasts in East Asia.To address the limitations of...