(Table 2) Species density and composition of an inshore and offshore station ...
Megafauna plays an important role in benthic ecosystems and contributes significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic. The distribution is mostly studied using towed cameras.... -
The Vertebrate Genomes Project aims to provide annotated reference genome sequences for all vertebrate species. This project contains transcriptome data from various sequencing... -
Amblyraja radiata (thorny skate) genome, sAmbRad1, sequence data.
Sequence data for Amblyraja radiata (thorny skate) genome, sAmbRad1. -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and metabolic rates and hypoxia tolerances of cl...
Understanding how rising temperatures, ocean acidification, and hypoxia affect the performance of coastal fishes is essential to predicting species-specific responses to climate... -
Beach seine fish survey along the coast of Newfoundland from 1960-1964 (Flemi...
The collapse of the Northwest Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks in the early 1990s led to widespread ecological changes offshore. Changes in coastal fish communities are less... -
Catch and bycatch of fish, corals and sponges from long line fishing onboard ...
The objective of the IMR-2009615 cruise was to study the distribution of fish and plankton in relation to the occurrence of Lophelia cold-water coral reefs and the general...