New core data for reconstructing the palaolandscape in the Ahlen-Falkenberger...
The data has been taken in the Ahlen-Falkenberger bog in the district of Cuxhaven between 2019 and 2022 as part of the project Preserved in the bog. The aim of the prospection... -
Archaeobotanical analysis of seeds and fruits from Cova del Toll, Moià (Barce...
Materials retrieved in the 1978-1979 campaigns at the site of Cova del Toll were given to Prof. Maria Hopf for analysis. Since no full quantification was provided and no report... -
Landscape archaeological investigations near Wanna, district Cuxhaven, German...
In the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor, District of Cuxhaven beneath layers of peat lays a conserved prehistoric landscapes. For a long time it was assumed that due to its boggy... -
Data points of the top of pleistocene depositis in the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moo...
The available data form the data points generated from various sources from which a surface model of the top of pleistocene depositis is calculated. The model forms the basis...