Pollen and spores record of peat profile Weisses Lauch
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne KBR6
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(Fig. 3) Pollen profile Rud, Rudower See
analysed by Jörg Christiansen and Susanne Jahns -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Siemen2
Pollen zones after Firbas I-III. 14C dating: 11235 ± 105 uncal. BP 760-780 cm. 200-830 cm Feindetritusgyttja -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Siemen1
Pollen zones after Firbas V-Xa. Bruchwaldtorf, 10-85 cm Tiefe -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Nienhofer Forst
Pollen zones after Firbas Xa-Xb. 45 cm Sphagnumtorf über 75 cm sandiger Mudde -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Maujahn3
Pollen zones after Firbas IX-Xb. 150 cm schwach zersetzter Sphagnumtorf mit Ericaceen-Reisern -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Maujahn1
Pollen zones after Firbas VIII. 95 cm Bruchwaldtorf über 18 cm humosem Sand -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Laase2
Pollen zones after Firbas II-V. 14C dating: 10700 ± 145 uncal. BP. 135-205 cm Feindetritusgyttja, etwas kalkhaltig -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Laase1
Pollen zones after Firbas IV-X. 40-45 cm Torfmudde, bis 170 cm Feindetritusgyttja -
Palynologic record of the sediment core from the Loeddig Lake, Mecklenburg, G...
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Pollen profile STEERMOS, Steerenmoos, Germany
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.