Data of the MyMovez project
This data set contains all gather information of the MyMovez project, which investigated adolescents’ health behaviors (ie., nutrition, media use, and physical activity) and... -
Hur hälsa och välbefinnande upplevs och villkoras i skolans vardag för unga s...
With the school as a point of departure, the dissertation’s overarching aim is to explore everyday experiences of and conditions for health and well-being among young people who... -
Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 15-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at... -
Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 17-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at... -
Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 20-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at...