4 datasets found

Keywords: Acidimicrobiia bacterium

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  • hydrothermal vent metagenome Genome sequencing and assembly

    This is the collection of metagenome-assembled genomes that were reconstructed from metagnomes from hydrothermal plume metagenomes (Guaymas Basin, Cayman Rise and Lau Basin) and...
  • seawater metagenome Raw sequence reads

    In order to decipher the microbial communities in water columns of Yongle blue hole, we sequenced metagenomes and metatranscriptomes of the Yongle blue hole seawater samples....
  • Novel microbes from Hydrothermal ecosystems

    This is a collection of metagenome-assembled genomes that were reconstructed from metagnomes from hydrothermal plume metagenomes (Guaymas Basin, Cayman Rise and Lau Basin) and...
  • CON-Kaigangan Project Sequencing Reads

    Taxonomic and functional diversity profiling of soil rhizosphere microbial communities in forests over limestone ecosystem. A collection of soil metagenomes isolated from four...
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