Physical oceanography and current meter data from moorings F1-F14 and F15/F16...
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Physical oceanography and current meter data from moorings in the Fram Strait...
Listed datasets with "Year of Publication" = 2015 are password protected (embargoed) for 2 years from 2015-04-25. -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera from Holocene sedimen...
The Denmark Strait Overflow (DSO) today compensates for the northward flowing Norwegian and Irminger branches of the North Atlantic Current that drive the Nordic heat pump.... -
Properties of foraminifera from Denmark Strait
The Denmark Strait is a key area for the exchange of water masses and functions as a deep-water gateway between the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic. Thus it constitutes an... -
Geochemical analysis of surface sediments from the ocean floor and from sea i...
Barium in marine terrigenous surface sediments of the European Nordic Seas is analysed to evaluate its potential as palaeoproductivity proxy. Biogenic Ba is calculated from Ba... -
Environmental data from the (sub)Arctic
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Pteropod sedimentation at AWI HAUSGARTEN central station HGIV in 2002/2003 (T...
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Results of bulk sediment X-ray diffraction analysis and quantification of min...
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Results of bulk sediment X-ray diffraction analysis and quantification of min...
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(Table 1) Nd and Sr isotopic compositions and isotope dilution trace element ...
Isotope dilution concentration determinations are accurate to approx. 1% for Rb and Sr, and 0.5% for Sm and Nd. Total procedural blanks averaged apporx. 1 ng for Sr and 100 pg... -
Biogenic particle flux at AWI HAUSGARTEN from mooring FEVI3 at 300 m
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Flux of biomarkers at AWI HAUSGARTEN from mooring FEVI3
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Geochemistry on surface sediments from the Northern Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
Longitude of POS146/1 Events were corrected on 2023-11-14 -
Radiosonde PS62/22110 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-23 09:42h
Height of tropopause 10560 m, precipitable water content 1.1968 cm -
Radiosonde PS62/22109 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-22 09:40h
Height of tropopause 11581 m, precipitable water content 1.7397 cm -
Radiosonde PS62/22108 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-21 09:40h
Height of tropopause 11882 m, precipitable water content 2.5375 cm -
Radiosonde PS62/22107 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-20 09:43h
Height of tropopause 11115 m, precipitable water content 3.1206 cm -
Radiosonde PS62/22106 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-19 09:43h
Height of tropopause 10610 m, precipitable water content 1.3969 cm -
Radiosonde PS62/22105 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-17 09:45h
Height of tropopause 9139 m, precipitable water content 1.2511 cm -
Radiosonde PS62/22104 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XVIII/1 on 2002-08-16 09:40h
Height of tropopause 9004 m, precipitable water content 1.6392 cm