Physical oceanography during Alkor cruise AL539
This data set comprises unprocessed CTD data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL539 conducted in July 2020 (July 5th to July 18th 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
Body measurements of Gadus morhua during Alkor cruise AL539
This data set includes single fish cod data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL539 conducted in July 2020 (July 5th to July 18th 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
Fish length data during Alkor cruise AL539
This data set comprises all fish length data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL539 conducted in July 2020 (July 5th to July 18th 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
Fish biomass data during Alkor cruise AL539
This data set comprises all fish biomass data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL539 conducted in July 2020 (July 5th to July 18th 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
Physical oceanography during Alkor cruise AL539
This data set comprises raw CTD data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL539 conducted in July 2020 (July 5th to July 18th 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the University...