Soil carbon and nitrogen data from Arctic river deltas
This data set contains the data for 1,571 soil samples from Arctic river deltas including %organic carbon, %nitrogen, bulk density, water/ice content and calculated carbon and... -
Soil cores from Arctic river deltas
This data set provides a synthesis about available soil cores collected in Arctic river deltas. The data were compiled from already archived or published studies and includes... -
Measured water content, carbon and nitrogen data from permafrost cores of the...
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Radiocarbon ages of permafrost cores in the Teshekpuk Lake Area on the Arctic...
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Carbon and nitrogen stocks of permafrost cores in the Teshekpuk Lake Area on ...
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Basic sediment characteristics of permafrost cores in the Teshekpuk Lake Area...
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Radiocarbon data from permafrost cores of the Ikpikpuk river and Fish Creek r...
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Carbon and nitrogen data from permafrost cores of the Ikpikpuk river and Fish...
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