Search for magnetic long-range order in a spin-liquid candidate K2Ni2(SO4)3
We recently synthesised a new compound, K2Ni2(SO4)3, that allows the existence of non-trivial topologicalphases such as skyrmions. Specific heat measurements show the existence... -
Hydrogen kinetics in nano-layered metal hydrides for hydrogen sensing applica...
Accurate, safe and cheap hydrogen detectors functioning under a wide range of conditions are a vital ingredient for using hydrogen as an energy carrier. A novel, safe and cheap... -
Influence of the electric dipole moment of gas molecules on the gate-opening ...
The aim of this proposal is to study the condensation transitions of polar gas molecules in nanoporous flexible materials by means of wide Q-range neutron diffraction. An... -
Direct measurement of hydrogen storage capacities of nanoporous materials via...
Absolute hydrogen capacities of nanoporous storage materials cannot be accessed using conventional gas sorption experiments, but can be estimated by modelling experimental... -
Magnetic-field induced long-range spin order in quantum spin liquid candidate...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a novel state of matter where the spins are highly entangled with one another but fluctuate strongly down to zero temperature. It may be associated... -
Influence of nanoparticle size and morphology on the relative proportions of ...
Palladium is able to dissociative absorb large quantities of hydrogen, reversibly. However, the formation and relative proportion of different phases of palladium hydride, and...