Understanding pressure-driven structural changes in FePO4-II
The room temperature high pressure behaviour of FePO4-I has been investigated and a phase transition at around 2.5 GPa to the orthorhombic phase (FePO4-II) accompanied by a... -
Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
Ligand conformation at semiconductor nanoparticle surfaces for high-efficienc...
The efficiency of silicon solar cells is limited to 29%. One possible way of breaking this limit uses a process called singlet fission, converting a high energy photon into two... -
Vacancy Distribution in Praseodymium Doped Ceria
Doped cerias are currently being used as oxide ion conducting electrolyte materials in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Depending on the nature and concentration of the dopant... -
Quantum dynamics in a J_eff=1/2 isotropic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the spin dynamics of strongly-frustrated quantum magnets. A canonical model is the spin-1/2 triangular antiferromagnet... -
Non-Fullerene Based Acceptors for Organic Solar Cells
Organic Solar Cells (OSCs) have attracted substantial commercial and scientific interest as they provide a pathway to realizing a renewable energy source that is portable... -
Measurement of spin-gravity coupling by quantum interference
It is possible that there is a coupling between the spin and gravitation, for instance by an adaptation of the Hamiltonian with an additional termH=k/c (gvec.Svec) where gvec is... -
Structural analysis of honeycomb iridate alpha-Li2IrO3 under pressure
We propose to perform neutron diffraction measurements on a honeycomb iridium oxide alpha-Li2IrO3 under pressure. Honeycomb iridates have been intensively studied as a possible... -
The influence of chemical pressure on the helimagnetic correlatations and sky...
The recent discovery of skyrmions and skyrmion lattices in materials with no inversion symmetry and their corresponding potential applications of Skyrmions in magnetic... -
A High-Pressure Low-Temperature Crystallographic Study of the Pm3m - I4/mcm F...
The perovskite-structured phases and their associated phase transitions remain an enduring topic of study within the solid state sciences due to their importance in both applied... -
Incommensurate-commensurate phase transitions in K2SeO4
Materials with incommensurate structures often show exotic properties (such as charge density waves). The development of reliable and efficient refinement techniques for such... -
In-situ reaction of lithium amide or imide with manganese(IV) oxide
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for in-situ powder diffraction studies of the reactions of lithium amide or lithium imide with manganese(IV) oxide under flowing argon or... -
Formation and ammonia decomposition behaviour of lithium nitride hydride
Ammonia is seen as a key part of the transition to a sustainable energy economy, but needs decomposition catalysts to release its stored hydrogen. Lithium nitride-hydride... -
Simltaneous dielectric spectroscopy and neutron diffraction
We have constructed a novel microwave frequency resonator that can sit within the GEM and POLARIS diffractometers and will allow us to simultaneously collect diffraction and... -
Sensing SO2 in Robust Porous MOF Materials via Simultaneous Microwave Dielect...
We seek to develop new MOFs for sensing and removal of toxic gases (e.g., SO2) and request 4 days on POLARIS to study the structural binding details and dielectric data... -
Competition at the nanoparticle surface: one polymer, two surfactants, many p...
Polymers and surfactants are key components in detergency. Understanding their interactions is essential to formulate smartly. Detergent formulations usually contain a mixture... -
Micro-, Meso-, Macro- Structure and Dynamics of Biocompatible Dental Glass Io...
Glass Ionomer Cements (GICs) have found numerous applications as bone fillers, replacements and adhesives, particularly in dentistry due to their tooth like appearance and... -
Concentrated emulsions as proxy CO2 thickeners
The proposal aims to explore the oil-in-water (brine) high internal phase emulsion systems (HIPEs) formed by nonylphenol ethoxylate surfactants using contrast variation SANS... -
Polymer-Lipid Nanodisc Self-assembly Processes Using Stop Flow
Polymer stabilized lipid nanodiscs offer enormous potential as tools for enabling membrane protein structural studies & biophysics. Polymer stabilized lipid bilayer discs... -
Investigation of the new spin-ladder compound MgCu2O3
Here we propose to investigate the excitation spectrum of the new spin-ladder compound MgCu2O3. Unlike typical spin-ladders this compound has a rung coupling that is much weaker...