Local Structure in Tetragonal Tungsten Bronze (Sr,Ba)Nb2O6 Uniaxial Relaxor F...
Oxides with tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) structures are an important class of ferroelectrics with properties relevant for several technological applications. The... -
Diamond nanoparticles: a bright future for nano-composites?
Conductive polymers (CP) show desirable physicochemical properties, with CP-based nanocomposites being manufactured for various applications i.e. sensors The filler particles... -
Negative thermal expansion in ReO3: anomalous variation with temperature
ReO3 is a well-known oxide framework with unusual thermal expansion behaviour, exhibiting multiple regions of both positive and negative thermal expansion (NTE). We propose to... -
Dynamics of corannulene molecule across the melting
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Inelastic neutron scattering study of spin gap formation in two forms of BaRuO3
Pseudogap phenomena, which are associated with the reduction in the density of states at EF, have been intensively investigated in HTSC, as well in heavy fermion systems through...