Inelastic neutron scattering investigations to study Ru-trimer and molecular ...
The orthorhombic compound Ba4Ru3O10 having Ru3O12 timers coupled via corner-shared oxygens in the crystal structure exhibits very interesting magnetic and transport properties.... -
Determination of the on-top vibrational mode of the surface hydride in PdH.
Finely divided supported palladium particles are used as catalysts in many technical processes. Using MAPS we have recently investigated the interaction of hydrogen with the... -
Effect of electron and hole doping on the spin gap formation in Kondo insulat...
CeFe2Al10 belongs to the CeT2Al10 family (T: Ru, Os, Fe), which exhibits Kondo-insulator properties, with an unusual competition of strongly anisotropic crystal-field and... -
Magnetic excitations in the new S = 1/2 kagome antiferromagnet and quantum sp...
Materials which display exotic electronic states are of great interest to fundamental science, such as quantum spin-liquids (QSL) which are theorised to underpin the transition...