Phase behaviour of methane clathrate under conditions relevant to Titan's int...
Methane clathrates are likely to be an important constituent of icy satellite interiors and a source of methane in the atmosphere of Saturn's giant satellite Titan. There is... -
Unique disorder in the ammonia hydrates at high pressure
The ammonia hydrates are important systems for the understanding of the hydrogen bond and for models of the outer solar system. This proposal is for beamtime to explore the... -
High pressure charge and magnetic transitions in PbCrO3
The high pressure perovskite PbCrO3 has been known since the 1960s but the electronic properties were controversial. The average structure is a cubic Pm-3m perovskite but a... -
Investigation of caprolactam-d11 at high pressure
High pressure has shown to be a powerful tool for the exploration of the organic solid state. In particular one is able to perform polymerisation reactions on solid materials by... -
The high pressure structures of ammonium fluoride
Ammonium fluoride is an ionic H-bonded analogue of ice. Its behaviour is thus of interest as a comparator for ice. This proposal is for beamtime to make the first neutron study...