Phase behaviour of methane clathrate under conditions relevant to Titan's int...
Methane clathrates are likely to be an important constituent of icy satellite interiors and a source of methane in the atmosphere of Saturn's giant satellite Titan. There is... -
Neutron scattering investigation of the influence of high hydrostatic pressur...
Amyloid fibrils are highly organized filamentous structures formed by the self-assembly of polypeptides. This proposal is to study the effect of pressure on the structure of... -
High pressure charge and magnetic transitions in PbCrO3
The high pressure perovskite PbCrO3 has been known since the 1960s but the electronic properties were controversial. The average structure is a cubic Pm-3m perovskite but a... -
Phase Behaviour in Pyrazine and Tetramethylpyrazine.
Pyrazine-I is stable < 302 K, phase II exists from 302-310 K, and phase III from 310-324 K. The known phase-I forms an ordered structure. It is thought that structures of...