SEM micrographs
Micrographs of microbial growth (four monocultures and their co-culture) in LDPE and EPS plastic substrates after a 60-day static incubation experiment. Imaging was conducted by... -
Culture-Free Enumeration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Mouse Tissues Using...
The turnaround times for phenotypic tests used to monitor the bacterial load of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in both clinical and preclinical studies, are delayed by the... -
ITPK1 mediates the lipid-independent synthesis of inositol phosphates control...
These are the raw data used to generate all the figures presented in the manuscript "ITPK1 mediates the lipid-independent synthesis of inositol phosphates controlled by... -
Supporting data for the paper Phase Separation In the E coli Outer Membrane
For details of the dataset, see ReadMe.txtThe raw data provided can be used to produce the figures provided in the text, using analysis protocols described in the readme.txt or... -
3D urine-tolerant human urothelial model to study urinary tract infection
3D confocal images of: Figure1: 3D-UHU model Figure3: UPK1,II,III, and Chondroitin sulphate Figure4: CK8, CK13, and CK20 Figure5: E-cadherin, ZO-1, Claudin1, and Claudin3...