Raw sequenced indexes and phylip alignments for the Seychelles caecilian phyl...
ddRADseq data from a single 300 cycle NextSeq run using a high-output kit.Raw sequence data with barcodes required to demultiplex. Contains 38 individuals: two Hypogeophis... -
Linear trait measurements of Lake Tanganyika catfishes
Nine continuous head and body measurements and standard length (SL) were collected from individuals in each catfish radiation (claroteine and Synodontis), totalling 198... -
ostariophysian fishes nexus file
The ostariophysian matrix was constructed using 203 specimens from across the ostariophysians in 146 genera, with two outgroup taxa from the Clupeiformes for the nuclear... -
'Big Africa' catfish nexus file
The ‘Big Africa’ only phylogeny was constructed using 72 taxa based on RAG1 exon 3, ENC1 and Plagl2, RAG2 and the first and second codon positions of the mitochondrial sequences... -
Lake Tanganyika Synodontis cytochrome b nexus file
Lake Tanganyika Synodontis catfish Cytochrome b nexus file. Please refer to Peart et al. (2024) Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society, Supporting Information Table S2b and... -
Priority effects and the macroevolutionary dynamics of biodiversity: Raw outp...
All RData files for the realisations of the IS, SC and RS models under different conditions (e.g. parameters and modelling decisions). Each individual file contains one single... -
Priority effects and the macroevolutionary dynamics of biodiversity: Code req...
Included are all scripts and examplary realisations of the models necessary for the replication of the study in R. Scripts focus on the running of the models discussed in the...