Elemental Boron synthesized in supercritical metallic solvents at high pressu...
Our recent high (P,T) developments at PEARL beamline will allow us to study the kinetic and thermodynamic behavior of boron 11B under pressures up to 12 GPa and temperatures up... -
Pressure-temperature phase diagram of of the Jahn-Teller transition in LaMnO3
The parent compound LaMnO3 of the hole-doped colossal magnetoresistance materials La1-xAxMnO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba etc.) has attracted much interest from condensed matter scientists.... -
Following the formation of Ho2Ge2O7 pyrochlore using high-pressure neutron di...
When synthesised at high pressure and temperature, holmium germanate adopts the pyrochlore structure. Because of its geometry, materials with this structure often have exotic... -
Determination of the Thermoelastic Properties of Jadeite
Jadeite, NaAlSi2O6 is an important mineral in metamorphic rocks and occurs in low as well as high metamorphic grade. Previously we have determined the thermoelastic properties...