Phytoplankton studies in the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean betwe...
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton species found between 1968-1970 in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. The data were digitized in the frame of the... -
Zooplankton and phytoplankton densities in the oyster farms of Gazi Creek (Ke...
Densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton sampled 2 days (06 and 12 October 1992) in the oyster farms at Gazi Creek (Kenya). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Study of epibenthos and demersal fish of the titanium dioxide discharge area ...
Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the KRONOS discharge area (Dutch Continental Shelf) between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these... -
NICO 10 campaign 2018
<p>During the NICO-10 research expedition sediments were sampled from aboard the RV Pelagia at 11 stations along a 670 km long transect. Conducted by Royal Netherlands... -
SeaWatch-B: strandobservatiedata voor de Belgische Noordzee door burgers geme...
SeaWatch-B dataset voor de periode juni 2014 tem juni 2018.@nl -
Plankton biodiversity data from a LifeWatch/Jerico North Sea Cruise with R/V ...
Plankton data collected in the framework of Jerico-NEXT JRAP 1. Data were collected using different methods and sensors (fluoroprobe, flow cytometer, phytopam, FRRF, pigment... -
SeaWatch-B: citizens monitoring the Belgian North Sea from the beach (2014-2018)
SeaWatch-B dataset (in Dutch) for the period of June 2014 to June 2018. -
Zooplankton and phytoplankton densities in the oyster farms of Gazi Creek (Ke...
Densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton sampled 2 days (06 and 12 October 1992) in the oyster farms at Gazi Creek (Kenya). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Plankton biodiversity data from a LifeWatch/Jerico North Sea Cruise with R/V ...
Plankton data collected in the framework of Jerico-NEXT JRAP 1. Data were collected using different methods and sensors (fluoroprobe, flow cytometer, phytopam, FRRF, pigment... -
Study of epibenthos and demersal fish of the titanium dioxide discharge area ...
Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the KRONOS discharge area (Dutch Continental Shelf) between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these... -
NICO 10 campaign 2018
<p>During the NICO-10 research expedition sediments were sampled from aboard the RV Pelagia at 11 stations along a 670 km long transect. Conducted by Royal Netherlands... -
Phytoplankton studies in the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean betwe...
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton species found between 1968-1970 in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. The data were digitized in the frame of the... -
SeaWatch-B: citizens monitoring the Belgian North Sea from the beach (2014-2018)
SeaWatch-B dataset (in Dutch) for the period of June 2014 to June 2018. -
Study of epibenthos and demersal fish of the titanium dioxide discharge area ...
Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the KRONOS discharge area (Dutch Continental Shelf) between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these... -
Zooplankton and phytoplankton densities in the oyster farms of Gazi Creek (Ke...
Densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton sampled 2 days (06 and 12 October 1992) in the oyster farms at Gazi Creek (Kenya). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Plankton biodiversity data from a LifeWatch/Jerico North Sea Cruise with R/V ...
Plankton data collected in the framework of Jerico-NEXT JRAP 1. Data were collected using different methods and sensors (fluoroprobe, flow cytometer, phytopam, FRRF, pigment... -
Phytoplankton studies in the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean betwe...
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton species found between 1968-1970 in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. The data were digitized in the frame of the... -
Zooplankton and phytoplankton densities in the oyster farms of Gazi Creek (Ke...
Densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton sampled 2 days (06 and 12 October 1992) in the oyster farms at Gazi Creek (Kenya). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Study of epibenthos and demersal fish of the titanium dioxide discharge area ...
Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the KRONOS discharge area (Dutch Continental Shelf) between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these... -
Phytoplankton studies in the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean betwe...
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton species found between 1968-1970 in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. The data were digitized in the frame of the...