Age of bottom sediments from the South Atlantic Rise as indicated by 14C data...
Sedimentation of pelagic biogenic coccolithic-foraminiferal sediments predominates in the section of the South Atlantic ridge between 20° and 30°S. Sedimentation rate and... -
(Table 1) Sedimentation rates in the Reykjanes rift near 58° for time interva...
Sedimentation rates in the Reykjanes rift near 58°N have been measured on the base of radiocarbon datings of bottom sediments collected during Cruise 4 of R/V Akademik Mstislav... -
Radiocarbon ages and last occurrences of Globorotalia menardii flexuosa and G...
Ranges of Globorotalia menardii menardii, Gr. menardii flexuosa and Globoquadrina hexagona at time of climatostratigraphic intervals representing oxygen-isotope stages 5-1 are... -
Age and sedimentation rates of sediments from St. Anna Trough
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(Table 3) Sedimentation rate and accumulation rates of sediment matter, organ...
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(Table 1a) Radiocarbon dates of peat in the Kyzyltun (Bokarevskii) ryam bog
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(Table 4) Radiocarbon datings of the authigenic carbonate buildup from Site A...
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(Table 17) Radiocarbon datings of basal layer bottom sediments from the Tajur...
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(Table 16-1) Radiocarbon datings of bottom sediments collected by gravity cor...
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(Table 14-2) Average ages and sedimentarion rates of bottom sediments collect...
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(Table 14-1) Radiocarbon datings of bottom sediments collected by grabs withi...
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(Table 13) Radiocarbon age of bottom sediments from the Southern Ocean
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(Table 79) Age of bottom sediments from the Peru shelf
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(Table 6) Uranium contents in New Euxinian to recent bottom sediments of the ...
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(Table 4) Radiocarbon age of carbonate nodules from the Gulf of California at...
New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are... -
(Table 11) Composition and age of bottom sediments accumulated near the Rainb...
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(Table 12) Radiocarbon age of bottom sediments accumulated near the Rainbow h...
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(Table 11b) Radiocarbon datings of bottom sediments from Core AK3-205GC, Beng...
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(Table 8.3.22) Radiocarbon ages of authigenic carbonates of an carbonaceous e...
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(Table 4) Radiocarbon datings and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in samples from carbonate ...
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