Alkenones and alkenes in surface waters and sediments of the Southern Ocean
The concentration of C37-C39 long-chain alkenones and alkenes were determined in surface water and surface sediment samples from the subpolar waters of the Southern Ocean.... -
Alkenone unsaturation index UK37 in surface sediments
C37-C39 long-chain unsaturated ketones (alkenones) and alkenes were identified in samples of particulate organic matter obtained from surface waters spanning the temperature... -
Photosynthetic parameters and chlorophyll from different AU-cruises
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Primary production modelling from different OZGOFS cruises
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Chlorophyll a measured on water bottle samples during Aurora Australis cruise...
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Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during Aurora Australis cruis...
For definition of quality flags see hdl:10013/epic.31518.d001 -
Physical oceanography during Aurora Australis cruise AU9101 on section SR03
For definition of quality flags see hdl:10013/epic.31518.d001 -
(Table 2) Concentration of long chained alkenones and alkenes in seawater sam...
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(Table 1) Sea surface temperature reconstruction of seawater samples
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Chlorophyll a during Aurora Australis cruise AU9101
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Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during Aurora Australis curis...
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