Methane in sediment core HE191_767
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Assessment of chemical contamination in bivalves and sediment for MSFD assess...
Good Environmental Status assessment (GES) for descriptor 8 (contaminants, D8) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is reached when concentrations of contaminants... -
Contaminants-Mercury: stations above LOD/LOQ v2019
This product displays the stations where mercury has been measured and the values present in EMODnet Chemistry infrastructure are always above the limit of detection or... -
BONUS Baltic Gas Sediment Data from Gdansk Bay - R/V Oceania Expedition 2009
Sediment pore water and solid phase data from Gdansk Bay. Collected during R/V Oceania expedition to Gdansk Bay in November 2009 in the framework of the BONUS Baltic Gas project. -
PANGAEA - Data from Global environmental change: the Northern North Atlantic
This dataset contains data from the DFG Research Project SFB313 "Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic". These data are derived from PANGAEA. -
ROCCHSED19 sediment dataset : chemical contaminants in surface sediment for e...
ROCCH, the french monitoring network carried out by Ifremer, surveys chemical contaminants levels in coastal areas through two programmes, mussel watch programme and sediment... -
Depth profiles of selected radionuclides and grain size in marine sediments o...
The West Gironde Mud Patch (WGMP) is a 420-km2 mud belt in the Bay of Biscay, located 25 km off the mouth of the Gironde estuary. This clay-silt feature of 4 m in thickness... -
Database of a shrimp pond bottom sediment study conducted in New Caledonia in...
The degradation of pond bottom with time is usually forwarded by shrimp farm managers in New Caledonia to explain a decrease in production, associated or not with a pathology.... -
Early diagenesis in the hypoxic zone of the Northern Gulf of Mexico : a disco...
Hypoxia and associated acidification is a growing concern for ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles in the coastal zone. The northern Gulf of Mexico (nGoM) has been experiencing...