Research Group on the Study of Care, Values and the Future of Welfare (CAVA)
The research examines how far social changes, such as increases in divorce, changes in men and women's employment, different expectations of close relationships and cultural... -
Experiencing very long term imprisonment from young adulthood: identity, adap...
Interview [format: audio file and Word transcripts] and survey data [format: SPSS and hard-copy], generated with male and female prisoners in England who received long life... -
Finding the right questions: Overcoming methodological difficulties associate...
The present study sets out to explore an apparent increase in participation in local organisations reported in the 2004 survey and to validate respondents' survey responses. The... -
Faith-based conflict prevention and early warning scoping project
Qualitative data from collaborative research undertaken in Nigeria and Solomon Islands by researchers from the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (Coventry University)... -
Performance Assessment and Wicked Issues
This study aimed to investigate the inequalities in the National Health Service' (NHS) policies and practices at local levels across England, Scotland and Wales using a total of... -
Childhood in the migrant city: Statelessness, exclusion and modes of belongin...
This collection consists of detailed, hand-written ethnographic fieldnotes from fieldwork in Sabah, transcripts of interviews with children and youth, children's photographs and... -
The Impact of New Health Imperatives in Schools
This study is grounded in case study methodology: questionnaire and interview data from teachers and pupils was collected across a sample of secondary schools in the UK, along... -
Development Discourse: Higher Education and Poverty Reduction
The research project aimed to explore how universities might contribute to poverty reduction by expanding the capabilities and functionings of students in professional... -
Terms of Engagement: Muslim and Jewish School Communities, Cultural Sustainab...
The research project aimed to explore issues of cultural sustainability and community engagement through schools in which both Muslim and Jewish school traditions had... -
Filipino Nurses and Carers in the United Kingdom
This project investigated various routes of entry to the UK of labour migrants coming from a single source country. Additionally, face-to-face interviews were conducted with... -
Cappuccino community video of everyday life in cafes
This research aimed to explore cafes, their working conditions, customer interactions and connection into daily routines, through multi-site ethnography. Overt video-assisted... -
The Net Generation encountering e-learning at University
The aim of the research is to provide an empirically based understanding of the Net Generation as they enter university. The research uses a mixture of survey methods, interview... -
Geography of digital inequality
These data consist of measures of Internet use estimated using small area estimation. The small area estimation is based on census Output Areas (OAs) using the 2013 Oxford... -
Poverty dynamics: Childhood experience on a low income
The assumptions, methods and findings of dynamic poverty research are in general found to be a simplified and decontextualized version, rather than a misrepresentation of, the... -
Left behind in transition? Poverty, social networks and social support amongs...
The qualitative research was conducted in order to illuminate older people’s quality of life from the perspective of older people themselves. The aim was to paint a picture of... -
Managing uncertainty within NICE technological appraisals: the nature and imp...
Qualitative methods using a combination of non participatory observation,informal interviews and documentary analysis. The study set out to explore and describe the various... -
Timecourse of mirror and counter-mirror effects measured with transcranial ma...
In brief, these files contain data on the amplitude of motor evoked potential responses evoked through transcranial magnetic stimulation of primary motor cortex during the... -
Mechanisms underlying the acquisition and control of shared action representa...
In brief, these files contain data on the response times and error rates of participants performing a choice response time experiment during disruptive transcranial magnetic... -
On reminder effects, drop-outs and dominance: Evidence from an online experim...
The data contains one observation for each of the 233 participants of this monetarily incentivized experiment. Participants were randomly recruited using ORSEE (Greiner B. The... -
Lexical retrieval in children with typically developing language and in child...
The data consist of scores from core naming, semantic and phonological tasks for 102 children with typically developing language aged four to eight years, and 24 children with...