MESSENGER EPPS EPS Calibrated Low Resolution Spectra Data Collection
EPS low resolution (energy channel) calibrated ion and electron energy spectra and rate counters. Replaces EPS_MED_SPECTRA after FSW6 (loaded on 8/18/2008). -
The database contains some outputs of the MCD for all the scenarios available, at different positions of latitude and longitude. These MCD outputs are provided as Votables... -
MESSENGER EPPS EPS Calibrated Pulse Height Data Collection
EPS calibrated Pulse Height Analysis data in ASCII table format. The lack of priority groups after the FSW6 load on 8/18/2008 means the weight and group columns of the data are... -
MESSENGER EPPS EPS Calibrated High Priority Spectra Data Collection
EPS high energy resolution calibrated spectra similar to the EPS_HIRES_SPECTRA product, but with the configuration from before the new FSW6 load on 8/18/2008. -
Galilieo Jupiter HIC Highres Energetic Ion Count Rate Data Collection
This collection contains Galileo HIC high resolution (LPW) pulse height data acquired at Jupiter and Amalthea between 2002-11-05T02:45 and 2002-11-05T06:35. -
MESSENGER EPPS EPS Calibrate Scan Rate Data Collection
Integrated EPS hardware counters over four energy thresholds. Each threshold setting and integration lasts 1/4 second. Rates are reported in both raw and 'delta' form, see SIS... -
MESSENGER EPPS EPS Calibrated High Resolution Spectra Data Collection
EPS high resolution (energy channels) calibrated ion and electron energy spectra. Replaces EPS_HI_SPECTRA after FSW6 (loaded on 8/18/2008). -
Galilieo Jupiter HIC Highres Energetic Ion Count Rate Data Collection
This collection contains Galileo HIC high resolution (LPW) pulse height data acquired at Jupiter and in the Io plasma torus. -
Voyager 2 Magnetometer Jupiter Resampled Heliographic (RTN) Coords 1.92 Secon...
This collection contains Voyager 2 Jupiter encounter magnetometer data given in Heliographic coordinates and averaged from the 60 ms instrument sample rate to a 1.92 second... -
Voyager 1 Magnetometer Jupiter Spacecraft Field Data Collection
This collection contains the estimated spacecraft field in payload coordinates for the the Voyager 1 MAG 1.92, 9.6, and 48.0 second averaged magnetic field data in heliographic... -
Voyager 1 Magnetometer Jupiter Resampled System III Coords 48.0 Second Data C...
This collection contians calibrated magnetic field data acquired by the Voyager 1 Low Field Magnetometer (LFM) during the Jupiter encounter. Coverage begins in the solar wind... -
Voyager 1 Magnetometer Jupiter Resampled System III Coords 9.60 Second Data C...
This collection contains calibrated magnetic field data acquired by the Voyager 1 Low Field Magnetometer (LFM) during the Jupiter encounter. Coverage begins in the solar wind... -
Voyager 1 Magnetometer Jupiter Resampled Heliographic (RTN) Coords 48.0 Secon...
This collection contains calibrated magnetic field data acquired by the Voyager 1 Low Field Magnetometer (LFM) during the Jupiter encounter. Coverage begins in the solar wind... -
Radio JOVE Station HNRAO FSX2 Raw Data Collection
Radio JOVE Station HNRAO FSX2 Raw data from radio astronomy observations -
Galilieo Jupiter HIC Highres Energetic Ion Count Rate Callisto Data Collection
This collection contains Galileo HIC high resolution (LPW) pulse height data acquired at Jupiter and Callisto. -
Galileo EPD Calibrated Corrected High Res Data Collection
These are reprocessed measurements by the Engergetic Particle Detector (EPD) instrument onboard the Galileo spacecraft that orbited Jupiter and measured intensities of ion and... -
MESSENGER EPPS FIPS Calibrated Scan Data Collection
FIPS calibrated flux spectra. Available only after the FSW6 upload. -
MAVEN STATIC Event Rate Selected Channel Data
This collection contains files with time-ordered event rate data from a selected rate channel. Data are derived from APID da -
MAVEN STATIC Raw Time-of-Flight Data Collection
This collection contains files with time-ordered time-of-flight (TOF) raw data. Data are derived from APID db. -
MAVEN STATIC Event Rate: 12 Rate Channels Summed Over a Single Spin Data Coll...
This collection contains files with time-ordered event rate data summed over a spin. Data are derived from APID d8.