680 datasets found

Keywords: ultraviolet astronomy

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  • TDSS. Changing-look quasars candidates

    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) can vary significantly in their rest-frame optical/UV continuum emission, and with strong associated changes in broad line emission, on much shorter...
  • CANDELS & KINGFISH disk-dominated galaxies

    We examine and quantify how hybrid (e.g., UV+IR) star formation rate (SFR) estimators and the A_FUV_-{beta} relation depend on inclination for disk-dominated galaxies using...
  • UV-to-NIR spectra of 8 Wolf-Rayet stars in LMC

    Are WO-type Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the final stage of massive star evolution before core-collapse? Although WC- and WO-type WRs have very similar spectra, WOs show a much...
  • High-quality UV & X-ray quasar spectral data

    We examine the UV/X-ray properties of 1378 quasars in order to link empirical correlations to theoretical models of the physical mechanisms dominating quasars as a function of...
  • Monitoring of the neutron star XRB Centaurus X-4

    We report on a long-term optical monitoring of the neutron star X-ray binary Centaurus X-4 performed during the last 13.5yr. This source has been in quiescence since its...
  • 3.5<z<5.0 SDSS quasars UV luminosity function

    We present a well-designed sample of more than 1000 type 1 quasars at 3.5<z<5 and derive UV quasar luminosity functions (QLFs) in this redshift range. These quasars were...
  • Phot. & sp. follow-up of type Ia SN2020esm

    Seeing pristine material from the donor star in a type Ia supernova (SN Ia) explosion can reveal the nature of the binary system. In this paper, we present photometric and...
  • Type Icn SN2021csp photometry & spectra

    We present observations of SN 2021csp, the second example of a newly identified type of supernova (SN) hallmarked by strong, narrow, P Cygni carbon features at early times (Type...
  • CGM2 galaxy-OVI absorber pairs

    We combine 126 new galaxy-OVI absorber pairs from the CGM^2^ survey with 123 pairs drawn from the literature to examine the simultaneous dependence of the column density of OVI...
  • Type Ia supernovae with GALEX observations

    Using ultraviolet (UV) light curves, we constrain the circumstellar environments of 1080 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) within z<0.5 from archival Galaxy Evolution Explorer...
  • VODKA: HST discovers double SDSS-Gaia quasars

    Dual supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at ~kiloparsec scales are the progenitor population of SMBH mergers and play an important role in understanding the pairing and dynamical...
  • Milky Way SiIV and CIV kinematics from HST/COS

    We compose a 265-sight-line Milky Way CIV line-shape sample using the Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph archive, which is complementary to the existing SiIV...
  • Follow-up phot. & sp. of SNIa 2020hvf

    In this Letter we report a discovery of a prominent flash of a peculiar overluminous Type Ia supernova, SN 2020hvf, in about 5hr of the supernova explosion by the first...
  • 2kpc environments of 472 supernovae

    We characterize the local (2kpc sized) environments of Type Ia, II, and Ib/c supernovae (SNe) that have recently occurred in nearby (d<~50Mpc) galaxies. Using ultraviolet...
  • Galaxy-absorber pairs for low-z QSO sightlines

    We present a study of candidate galaxy-absorber pairs for 43 low-redshift QSO sightlines (0.06<z<0.85) observed with the Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph...
  • NIR spectroscopic obs. of z>6.5 quasars

    We report the results of near-infrared spectroscopic observations of 37 quasars in the redshift range 6.3<z<=7.64, including 32 quasars at z>6.5, forming the largest...
  • Ultra-diffuse galaxies with spectroscopic obs.

    We present new redshift measurements for 19 candidate ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) from the Systematically Measuring Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies (SMUDGes) survey after conducting a...
  • VLT/X-SHOOTER & Keck/ESI spectra of z~5 QSOs

    We present a new investigation of the intergalactic medium (IGM) near the end of reionization using "dark gaps" in the Ly{alpha} forest. Using spectra of 55 QSOs at...
  • 18 UV bright QSOs obs. with HST (COS-IGrM survey)

    We present the results of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph-Intragroup Medium (COS-IGrM) Survey that used the COS on the Hubble Space Telescope to observe a sample of 18 UV bright...
  • SN 2018agk spectra and NIR-UV light curves

    We present the 30 minutes cadence Kepler/K2 light curve of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2018agk, covering approximately one week before explosion, the full rise phase, and...
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