Selects 2015 Post-electoral study
The 2015 study consists of three main complementary components: The Post-election survey, the Panel / Rolling Cross-Section survey, and the Candidate survey. The main difference... -
Vox 47 - Votation du 06.12.1992
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 111 - Votation du 09.06.2013
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 99 - Votation du 17.05.2009
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
VOTO Studies: Standardized Post-Vote Surveys, 2016-2020
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal ballot the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
Vox 34 - Votation du 06.12.1987
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Issue Fatigue: Tagebuchbefragung (Untersuchungsthema Brexit)
Medien berichten über gewisse Themen sehr intensiv und über eine lange Zeit, sodass Rezipienten im Zeitverlauf dieser überdrüssig werden können, sogenannte Themenverdrossenheit... -
Vox 115 - Votation du 18.05.2014
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 71 - Votation du 24.09.2000
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 110 - Votation du 03.03.2013
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 80 - Votation du 09.02.2003
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 78 - Votation du 22.09.2002
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Non Response Surveys (NRS): ESS 2006, ESS 2010, ESS 2012, ESS 2014, EVS 2008 ...
This study provides information on the Non Response Surveys (NRS) executed after the main questionnaires of several international questionnaires conducted in Switzerland between... -
Eidgenössische Wahlen 1999 und 2003: Panelbefragung
Die Schweizer Wahlstudie Selects 2003 knüpft an ihre beiden Vorgängerstudien Selects 1995 (Ref. Nr. 1815) und Selects 1999 (Ref. Nr. 6646) an. Während in Selects 1995 die... -
Conceptions and Practices of Democracy Among Global Activists
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
Vox 112 - Votation du 22.09.2013
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 93 - Votation du 11.03.2007
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Enquête auprès des électrices et électeurs après les élections - 2007
Swiss Electoral Studies (Selects) is a research network of the institutes for political science at the Universities of Zurich, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne and St. Gallen, the... -
Vox 94 - Votation du 17.06.2007
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
VOTO 9: Swiss Popular Vote 25.11.2018
Im Auftrag der Bundeskanzlei untersucht das Forschungsprojekt VOTO nach jeder eidgenössischen Abstimmung, was die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Schweiz zu ihrem Entscheid bewogen...