Muon level-crossing resonances as a probe for studying antiferromagnets at pu...
We propose a set of measurements using the HiFi spectrometer in which muon level-crossing resonances are used to probe the internal field inside antiferromagnets in which the... -
Validating a new theoretical method for predicting the HFC of small molecular...
ALC is the best technique to characterize muoniated radicals, that are produced by muonium bonding to unsaturated bonds in molecules. Good agreement between data from ALC and... -
Muonium in BeO
BeO is a promising material in order to improve HfO2-based MOSFET devices, and a candidate substitute of HfO2 as high-k gate material. The electrical properties of BeO can be... -
ALC muon spectroscopy of antioxidants
In a previous experiment (RB910492) we have made preliminary measurements of the rates of addition of muonium to vitamins C and E, as suggested by the ISIS panel. These rates... -
Magnetic Ground State of a New Honeycomb Iridate
A new layered iridate material, Cu2IrO3, has been fabricated. This material is isostructural with the much-studied Na2IrO3 and has a nearly ideal honeycomb structure that should... -
Repolarization of Radicals in Liquids
The recovery of the muon polarization in a longitudinal magnetic field has been used to obtain the muon hfcs of organic radicals. In pure benzene there is a single step in the... -
Muon Spin Relaxation and ALC Resonance in Magnetic and non-Magnetic Oxalate S...
Repolarisation and level crossing resonance will be studied for several different oxalate compounds where muon radical states are known to be formed. Such compounds form a... -
Probing re-entrant glassy state in spin chain compound Sm2BaNiO5 using µ-SR s...
We are currently investigating Haldane spin-chain compounds [PRB 2017] of the type R2BaNiO5 (R = rare earth) using bulk measurements and have found the multifunctional... -
Spin Dynamics in Organic-Inorganie Hybrid Systems
The organic-inorganic hybrid systems consist of organic and inorganic components forming a 2 D layered structure. The distance between adjacent magnetic layers is quite far,... -
Geometrical frustration induced magnetism in single crystal of CeIrSn: A Muon...
The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide evidence for a zero-field QCP. The... -
Investigation of lithium diffusion in spinel Li2NiGe3O8 and N-doped Li3+xV4-x...
We wish to perform muon spectroscopic experiments on materials from two ceramic systems that are of interest for possible solid electrolyte applications in lithium-ion battery... -
Electron Spin Relaxation Measurements of P3HS
Using muon spin relaxation and ALC resonance spectroscopy the electron spin relaxation and mobility of the polymer P3HS will be measured as a function of temperature. The... -
How muons see the motion of negative hydrogen ions in solids
Ions are often diffusing in solids. Among many ions, H+, Li+, Na+, O2-, and F- are known to become mobile at high temperatures in solids and they are used for fuel cells and... -
Probing the magnetic ground state in one dimensional magnetic systems Ba3CrS5...
Most of the one dimensional spin chain compounds are antiferromagnetic with a rich magnetic phase diagram due to the magnetic frustration. We have synthesized Ba3CrS5 and... -
Ultrafast motion of molecular rotors in metal-organic frameworks: a muon-spin...
In recent years, amphidynamic crystals have gained more and more attention as a state of matter somehow intermediate between solids and liquids. In fact, although these systems... -
Artificial [FeFe]-Hydrogenases and Muon Spectroscopy
Preliminary measurements of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model complexes were made in a previous experiment using EMU (RB 1010177). The results were interpreted in combination with DFT... -
A Study of AuMu^+ Final States by Dia RF Resonance
Small-sized metal nanoparticles (NPs) are of long standing interest to both magnetism and heterogeneous catalysis. Recent muSR studies of Au NPs encapsulated in mesoporous... -
Investigating magneto-superconductivity of CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 and Ce0.5Sr0.5FBiS2
In this proposal we plan to investigate the anomalous magnetism of Ce in recently discovered CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 and Sr0.5Ce0.5FBiS2 magneto-superconductors. The proposed compounds... -
RF-muSR in the gas phase: the muoniated ethyl radical
Radio-frequency muon spin resonance is an exceptional technique for studying free radicals, but it has not been applied to study radicals in the gas phase. In a previous... -
Study of a copper oxalate 1DHAF chain system
One dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (1DHAF) chain systems continue to attract interest as there are several outstanding questions about the nature of the propagation of...