753 datasets found

Keywords: stellar masses

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  • Kepler M dwarf stars revised properties

    We classified the reddest (r-J>2.2) stars observed by the NASA Kepler mission into main-sequence dwarf or evolved giant stars and determined the properties of 4216 M dwarfs...
  • Nuclear star clusters photometric masses

    Galactic nuclei typically host either a nuclear star cluster (NSC, prevalent in galaxies with masses <~10^10^M_{sun}) or a massive black hole (MBH, common in galaxies with...
  • White dwarfs in Galactic plane

    We investigated the prospects for systematic searches of white dwarfs at low Galactic latitudes, using the VLT Survey Telescope H{alpha} Photometric Survey of the Galactic plane...
  • alpha Per cluster possible members

    We have obtained membership probabilities of stars within a field of from the centre of the open cluster alpha Persei using proper motions and photometry from the PPMXL and...
  • Masses and ages of red giants

    We show that the masses of red giant stars can be well predicted from their photospheric carbon and nitrogen abundances, in conjunction with their spectroscopic stellar labels...
  • CSS detached eclipsing binaries

    Eclipsing binaries play pivotal roles in our understanding of stellar properties. In the era of all-sky surveys, thousands of eclipsing binaries have been charted, yet their...
  • ASAS, NSVS, and LINEAR detached eclipsing binaries

    Eclipsing binaries provide a unique opportunity to measure fundamental properties of stars. With the advent of all-sky surveys, thousands of eclipsing binaries have been...
  • CRTS close supermassive black hole binaries

    Hierarchical assembly models predict a population of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries. These are not resolvable by direct imaging but may be detectable via periodic...
  • White dwarf candidates using LAMOST DR3

    In previous work by Gentile Fusillo et al., we developed a selection method for white dwarf candidates which makes use of photometry, colours and proper motions to calculate a...
  • Distance-limited sample of MYSOs

    We analyse C^18^O (J=3-2) data from a sample of 99 infrared (IR)-bright massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and compact HII regions that were identified as potential...
  • Fundamental parameters of Kepler stars

    We present a study of 33 Kepler planet-candidate host stars for which asteroseismic observations have sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio to allow extraction of individual...
  • Galactic HII region IRAS 16148-5011 content

    An investigation of the IRAS 16148-5011 region - a cluster at a distance of 3.6kpc - is presented here, carried out using multiwavelength data in near-infrared (NIR) from the...
  • W UMa-type contact binaries ages and masses

    Recently, our understanding of the origin of W UMa-type contact binaries has become clearer. Initial masses of their components were successfully estimated by Yildiz and Dogan...
  • Masses of galaxy clusters

    The application to observational data of the generalized scaling relations (gSRs) presented in Ettori et al. (2012MNRAS.420.2058E) is here discussed. We extend further the...
  • Masses of Praesepe members

    We have determined possible cluster members of the nearby open cluster Praesepe (M44) based on J and K photometry and proper motions from the PPMXL catalogue and z photometry...
  • Initial masses of W UMa type contact binaries

    W UMa type binaries have two defining characteristics. These are (i) the effective temperatures of both components are very similar, and (ii) the secondary (currently less...
  • Spectroscopy of WASP planet host stars

    We have made a detailed spectral analysis of 11 Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) planet host stars using high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) HARPS spectra. Our line list was...
  • SDSS post-common envelope binaries. X

    We present the first white dwarf mass distributions of a large and homogeneous sample of post-common envelope binaries (PCEBs) and wide white dwarf main-sequence (WDMS) binaries...
  • Physical parameters of 62 eclipsing binaries

    We present a detailed light-curve analysis of publicly available V-band observations of 62 binary stars, mostly contact binaries, obtained by the All Sky Automated Survey...
  • Type Ia supernovae luminosities

    Precision cosmology with Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) makes use of the fact that SN Ia luminosities depend on their light-curve shapes and colours. Using Supernova Legacy Survey...
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