Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1984 - NSO'84
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at... -
Minderheidspositie van agentes en verplegers 1982-1983
Differences in minority position of policewomen and male nurses. Duration and work between secondary school and police or nursing training / duration of service as a policewoman... -
GPD-enquete 1991 : De staat van het land
GPD newspaper survey, the state of the nation. Who takes care of r.'s children / educational level of people r. meets every day / job security, preferred number of working hours... -
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 16, jan. 1978 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference... -
Enquête van Heymans en Wiersma 1985
Heredity-research of personality. Personality characteristics of family members judged by medical doctors / activity / emotionality / primary versus secondary functioning.... -
Academici in het bedrijfsleven 1972
Interview relation between study and job position / capacities learned during study / detailed description of job function ( independence ) / ideal task structure / requirements... -
Milieu, school, en beroep 1958-1960,1973
Occupation / job satisfaction / expectations regarding occupation / occupational and educational history / family and religious background / education and occupation of parents... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1970-1985 en 1975-1980, cumulatief - CV'...
This study aims at monitoring the process of change in Dutch political culture from an ideological perspective and in relation to voting behaviour and the further development of... -
Macht van de vanzelfsprekendheid in relaties tussen vrouwen en mannen 1980-1981
The functioning of power in marital relations. Marriage / division of labour, housekeeping / children / sexuality / social contacts / leisure / finance / perception of roles of... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1990 - NSO'90
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions, and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at... -
Dwang en vertrouwen 1969
Warders' questionnaire task and responsibilities / regime norms / management directives / problem solving / relationship with superiors in meetings / why do prisoners obey... -
Rotterdamse belevingsonderzoek 1977-1978
Evaluation of certain aspects of cervix-cancer screening: womens' experience of positive screening result. First interview support from social environment / evaluation of the... -
Behoefte aan variatie in de zin van Maddi c.s 1976
Expressions of the "need for variety" ( Maddi c.s. ) measured by various instruments: Novelty Experiencing Scale ( NES ), children's Reactive Curiosity Scale ( RCS ), Sensation... -
Krisistheorie en psychiatrische hulpverlening op een eerste hulppost 1975
Detailed background clients mental and physical condition / use of drugs / medication / suicidal tendencies / personal medical and psychiatric history / crisis situation /... -
Progressiviteit en conservatisme 1970-1971
Conservative, liberal and socialist ideology / progressiveness / conservatism at a meta-attitudinal, value-oriented level / authoritarian parent, child relationship / family... -
Maslow's hierarchische rangschikking van fundamentele behoeften 1975
Maslow's need questionnaire ( MNQ ) / ( various versions ) f-scale / individual well-being scales / personnel orientation inventory / security, insecurity inventory. Background... -
Continuous ( social-political ) survey 1983
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference... -
Intelligence : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
IJkingsonderzoek 1970
Gauging of a number of psychological tests / one minute test assignments to be written, silent reading, vocabulary, calculating / reading ability / K2 Pintner-Cuningham-Durost... -
Ontwikkeling van Rokeach's dogmatisme schaal 1968
Development of Rokeach's dogmatism scale / political and social, socio-economic opinions. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership,...