777 datasets found

Keywords: infrared astronomy

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  • Spectroscopic dust reverberation in NGC 5548

    We have recently initiated the first spectroscopic dust reverberation programme on active galactic nuclei in the near-infrared. Spectroscopy enables measurement of dust...
  • No evidence for IMBHs in {omega} Cen/NGC6624

    We compare the results of a large grid of N-body simulations with the surface brightness and velocity dispersion profiles of the globular clusters {omega} Cen and NGC 6624. Our...
  • Gaia DR2 extremely low-mass WD candidates

    Extremely low-mass white dwarf stars (ELMs) are M<0.3M_{sun} helium-core white dwarfs born either as a result of a common-envelope phase or after a stable Roche lobe overflow...
  • Properties of UWISH2 PNe candidates

    We present medium-resolution K-band long-slit spectroscopy of 29 true, likely, possible, and candidate Galactic Plane planetary nebulae (PNe) from the UWISH2 survey, many of...
  • NIR spectroscopy of Galactic WR stars. III

    A new method of image subtraction is applied to images from a J, K, and narrow-band imaging survey of 300 deg2 of the plane of the Galaxy, searching for new Wolf-Rayet (WR)...
  • ExoMol line lists for formaldehyde H_2_CO

    A computed line list for formaldehyde, H_2_^12^C^16^O, applicable to temperatures up to T=1500K is presented. An empirical potential energy and ab initio dipole moment surfaces...
  • Line lists

    Knowledge of the elemental abundances of symbiotic giants is essential to address the role of chemical composition in the evolution of symbiotic binaries, to map their parent...
  • ExoMol line lists for phosphine (PH_3_)

    A comprehensive hot line list is calculated for ^31^PH_3_ in its ground electronic state. This line list, called SAlTY, contains almost 16.8 billion transitions between 7.5...
  • ExoMol line lists for CH4

    A new hot line list is calculated for ^12^CH_4_ in its ground electronic state. This line list, called 10to10, contains 9.8 billion transitions and should be complete for...
  • Mid-IR QSO spectral templates

    Mid-infrared (MIR) quasar spectra exhibit a suite of emission features including high ionization coronal lines from the narrow-line region illuminated by the ionizing continuum,...
  • ExoMol line lists for SiO

    Accurate rotation-vibration line lists are calculated for silicon monoxide. Line lists are presented for the main isotopologue, ^28^Si^16^O, and four monosubstituted...
  • ExoMol line lists for BeH, MgH and CaH

    Accurate line lists for three molecules, BeH, MgH and CaH, in their ground electronic states are presented. These line lists are suitable for temperatures relevant to...
  • Spitzer/IRS ATLAS project source

    We present a panoramic atlas of Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) spectra of extragalactic sources collected from the recent literature, with value-added measurements of their...
  • IR absorbance spectra of olivine

    Laboratory measurements quantifying the effect of Fe substituting for Mg in olivine are needed to distinguish compositional from temperature, grain size and grain shape effects...
  • Near-IR spectra of extremely red AGB stars

    We present a library of 139 near-IR spectra of cool asymptotic giant branch stars that will be useful for comparison with theoretical model atmosphere calculations and for...
  • AGN in nearby galaxies

    Using Spitzer-infrared spectrograph (IRS) spectroscopy, we investigate the ubiquity of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in a complete (~94%), volume-limited sample of the most...
  • Identification of nitride dust

    Nitride dust is predicted to form in small amounts around carbon stars, but the most likely candidate species such as aluminium nitride (AlN) have not yet been detected....
  • Cygnus X-3 IR spectra

    We present four epochs, A, B, C and D, of resolution ({lambda}/{delta}{lambda}) = 1200, 2.12 micron spectroscopy of the peculiar X-ray binary Cygnus X-3. About a half dozen...
  • JWST z=4-10 galaxies mass-metallicity relations

    We present the evolution of the mass-metallicity (MZ) relation at z=4-10 derived with 135 galaxies identified in JWST/NIRSpec data taken from the three major public spectroscopy...
  • Low-mass companions to KOIs observed with APOGEE

    We report the characterization of 28 low-mass (0.02M_{sun}<=M_2<=0.25M_{sun}_) companions to Kepler objects of interest (KOIs), eight of which were previously designated...
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