206 datasets found

Keywords: co line emission

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  • Spiral structure in the gas disc of CQ Tau

    We used spatially resolved ALMA observations of the three CO isotopologues ^12^CO, ^13^CO and C^18^O (J=2-1) from CQ Tau to analyse the brightness temperature and kinematics of...
  • Taffy system CO(1-0) datacube

    The Taffy system (UGC 12914/15) consists of two massive spiral galaxies which had a head-on collision about 20Myr ago. New sensitive, high-resolution CO(1-0) observations of the...
  • NGC 3269 CO spectra

    An intriguing silhouette of a small dust patch can be seen against the disk of the S0 galaxy NGC 3269 in the Antlia cluster in optical images. The images do not provide any clue...
  • Southern outer Galaxy star forming regions

    Star formation in the outer Galaxy is thought to be different from that in the inner Galaxy, as it is subject to different environmental parameters such as metallicity,...
  • NGC 4654 CO(2-1) data cube

    NGC 4654 is a Virgo galaxy seen almost face-on, which undergoes nearly edge-on gas ram pressure stripping and a fly-by gravitational interaction with another massive galaxy, NGC...
  • CO observations of the IC443 SNR

    Supernova remnants (SNRs) represent a major feedback source from stars in the interstellar medium of galaxies. During the latest stage of supernova explosions, shock waves...
  • Musca APEX 12CO(2-1), 13CO(2-1) and C18O(2-1) data

    Dense molecular filaments are ubiquituous in the interstellar medium, yet their internal physical conditions and the role of gravity, turbulence, the magnetic field, radiation,...
  • 5 Seyferts reduced CO(2-1) cubes

    Active galactic nucleus (AGN) driven outflows are believed to play an important role in regulating the growth of galaxies, mostly via negative feedback. However, their effects...
  • California molecular cloud CO datacubes

    Dense molecular filaments are central to the star formation process, but the detailed manner in which they fragment into prestellar cores is not well understood yet. Here, we...
  • CARLA J1103+3449 cluster datacube

    Passive early-type galaxies dominate cluster cores at z<~1.5. At higher redshift, cluster core galaxies are observed to have on-going star-formation, which is fuelled by cold...
  • Musca APEX 12CO(2-1), 12CO(3-2) & 12CO(4-3) data

    Observations with the Herschel Space Telescope have established that most star forming gas is organised in filaments, a finding that is supported by numerical simulations of the...
  • CLASH brightest cluster galaxies CO spectra

    Brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) are excellent laboratories to study galaxy evolution in dense Mpc-scale environments. We have observed in CO(1->0), CO(2->1),...
  • Par-Lup3-4 CO ALMA images

    Very low-mass stars are known to have jets and outflows, which is indicative of a scaled-down version of low-mass star formation. However, only very few outflows in very...
  • Cha-MMS1 CO 3-2 and ^13^CO 3-2 datacubes

    On the basis of its low luminosity, its chemical composition, and the absence of a large-scale outflow, the dense core Cha-MMS1 located in the Chamaeleon I molecular cloud was...
  • NGC1068 CO and HCO images

    We investigate the fueling and the feedback of nuclear activity in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC1068, by studying the distribution and kinematics of molecular gas in the torus and...
  • Physical properties of CHIMPS clumps

    The latest generation of high-angular-resolution unbiased Galactic plane surveys in molecular-gas tracers are enabling the interiors of molecular clouds to be studied across a...
  • LMC-N11 (LHA 120-N11) [CII], HI, CO spectra

    The ambiguous origin of the [CII] 158um line in the interstellar medium complicates its use for diagnostics concerning the star-formation rate and physical conditions in...
  • Extremely high-velocity jets in Serpens

    ALMA observations of four molecular transitions, CO 2-1, SiO 5-4, H_2_CO 3_03_-2_02_ in Band 6 (ALMA project 2013.1.00726.S; PI: C. Hull) and HCN 1-0 observed in Band 3 (ALMA...
  • N131 bubble CO (3-2), (2-1) and (1-0) observations

    N131 is a typical infrared dust bubble showing an expanding ringlike shell. We study what kinds of CO line ratios can be used to trace the interaction in the expanding bubble....
  • CO spectra of 49 semi-regular variables

    We aim to study the main properties of a volume-limited unbiased sample of well characterized semi-regular variables (SRs) in order to clarify important issues that need to be...
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