MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la santé, l'environnement et la politique - 2011
Named MOSAiCH since 2005, this project carries out the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) and Eurobarometer surveys in Switzerland every second year. The survey is... -
Vox 54 - Votation du 25.09.1994
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Inequality and Politics Survey
Unequal Democracies is a five-year research program, directed by Jonas Pontusson and funded by the European Research Council (Advanced Grant 741538). Started in September,... -
Vox 63 - Votation du 07.06.1998
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Selects 2015 Panel / Rolling cross-section study
The 2015 study consists of three main complementary components: The Post-election survey, the Panel / Rolling Cross-Section survey, and the Candidate survey. The main difference... -
Vox 22 - Votation du 20.05.1984
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 102 - Votation du 07.03.2010
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Swiss Abroad - 2011
Cette recherche sur les élections fédérales de 2011 (Selects 2011) a été menée par FORS et financée par le Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique. S'inscrivant dans la... -
Vox 116 - Votation du 28.09.2014
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
DISINTEGRATION: Tracking Europeans' opinions of Brexit and the EU: An EU-wide...
In the past few years, there has been a growing popular backlash against international institutions. Examples include the 2015 Greek bailout referendum, the 2016 Brexit... -
Die eidgenössischen Wahlen 2003 in den Medien
Die Schweizer Wahlstudie Selects 2003 knüpft an ihre beiden Vorgängerstudien Selects 1995 (Ref. Nr. 1815) und Selects 1999 (Ref. Nr. 6646) an. Während in Selects 1995 die... -
Vox 104 - Votation du 28.11.2010
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Vox 46 - Votation du 27.09.1992
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
VOTO 2: Swiss Popular Vote 27.11.2016
Im Auftrag der Bundeskanzlei untersucht das Forschungsprojekt VOTO nach jeder eidgenössischen Abstimmung, was die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Schweiz zu ihrem Entscheid bewogen... -
Vox 61 - Votation du 08.06.1997
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Selects 2019 (Social) Media Analysis
The Swiss Election Study (Selects) 2019 consists of four complementary components: The Post-Election Survey (PES), the Panel Survey, the Candidate Survey, and the (Social) Media... -
Vox 57 - Votation du 25.06.1995
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Enquête auprès des candidats - 2011
Cette recherche sur les élections fédérales de 2011 (Selects 2011) a été menée par FORS et financée par le Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique. S'inscrivant dans la... -
Content Analysis of Political Claims-Making
The MERCI project compares collective actions by migrants, xenophobes, and antiracists in Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Revealing striking... -
Vox 107 - Votation du 17.06.2012
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...