Eurobarometer 72.3 (Oct 2009)
Check-up and screening. Oral and dental health. Alcohol consumption. Smoking. Organ donation and transplantation. Blood donation. Sports and physical activities. Topics: 1.... -
Epidemiological Survey on Substance Abuse in Germany 2006 (ESA)
Drogenkonsum und Folgen des Drogenmissbrauchs. Spielsucht. Themen: Selbsteinschätzung des Gesundheitszustands und des psychischen Wohlbefindens; Häufigkeit von Glücklichsein,... -
The Drug Affinity of Young People in the Federal Republic of Germany 2008
Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and shishas (water pipes). Drug experience and drug use. Campaign perceptions. Computer gaming. Topics: 1. Sufficient leisure time; enough... -
The Drug Affinity of Young People in the Federal Republic of Germany 2011
Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and shishas (water pipes). Drug experience and drug use. Campaign perceptions. Computer games and internet use. Topics: 1. Sufficient leisure...