Lay and institutional knowledges of domestic violence law: Towards active cit...
Mixed method data collection on experiences of domestic violence and its potential for redress through law in Cambodia. Specifically, the collection includes information on... -
Gender and political process in the context of devolution: A case study of Wa...
The data consist of transcripts of 91 in-depth interviews and the interview guides. The interviews are with 29 Assembly Members, 30 local councillors and local authority... -
Intimate partner violence perpetration by men in substance use treatment, a m...
Interviews with 504 men receiving community treatment for alcohol and/or drugs in London and South East England, England (n=223) and Sao Paulo, Brazil (n=281) using a... -
Justice, inequality and gender based violence project: Victim/survivors exper...
The research project was designed to enable analysis of data relating to a range of experiences of GBV and the positioning of individuals as victim/survivor in relation to... -
Gendered Experiences of Social Harm in Asylum: Exploring State Responses to P...
Research undertaken by the Principal Investigator has established that limitations in welfare and psychosocial support can have long term social and emotional implications for... -
Utilising Rapid Responsive Qualitative Research in Informing Criminal Justice...
The aim of the research was also to be able to identify good practice and make policy and practice recommendations to the criminal justice system in responding to domestic abuse... -
Ethiopian Orthodox Clergy Assessment of Workshop Series on Domestic Violence ...
The current dataset includes assessment questionnaire responses by clergy participating in a workshop series on domestic violence that was designed by Project dldl/ድልድል and... -
Systematic Map and In-depth Review of Empirical Studies of Informal Social Su...
A database of empirical studies that examine informal social support interventions, with codes applied as part of the systematic mapping and in-depth review process (data... -
Domestic Homicide: Interviews with Families, Survivors and Professionals and ...
This three-year ESCR-funded project aimed to address important gaps in knowledge of domestic homicide. Domestic homicide is both a global and a domestic problem that... -
Millennium Cohort Study: Age 3, Sweep 2, 2004
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Background:TheMillennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a large-scale, multi-purpose longitudinal dataset...