176 datasets found

Keywords: radio spectroscopy

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  • Millimetric and far-IR maps of IRDC 18310-4

    Because of their short evolutionary time-scales, the earliest stages of high-mass star formation prior to the existence of any embedded heating source have barely been...
  • MSX high-contrast IRDCs with NH_3_

    Despite increasing research in massive star formation, little is known about its earliest stages. Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs) are cold, dense and massive enough to harbour the...
  • A 3mm molecular line survey of NGC1068

    We study the molecular composition of the interstellar medium (ISM) surrounding an active galactic nucleus (AGN), by making an inventory of molecular species and their...
  • ATLASGAL cold high-mass clumps with NH_3_

    The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey: The Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is an unbiased continuum survey of the inner Galactic disk at 870 micron. It covers +/-60{deg} in Galactic longitude...
  • Star formation in Perseus. II.

    Hatchell et al. (2005, Cat. , Paper I) published a submillimetre continuum map of the Perseus molecular cloud, detecting the starless and protostellar cores within it. The aim...
  • Observations at 850um in Perseus clusters

    We present a complete survey of current star formation in the Perseus molecular cloud, made at 850 and 450{mu} with SCUBA at the JCMT. Covering 3deg^2^, this submillimetre...
  • Hyperfine rotational transitions of 26Al19F

    Decades ago, {gamma}-ray observatories identified diffuse Galactic emission at 1.809MeV originating from {beta}^+^ decays of an isotope of aluminium, ^26^Al, that has a mean...
  • Infall and outflow on massive star-forming regions

    A total of 188 high-mass outflows have been identified from a sample of 694 clumps from the Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90GHz survey, representing a detection rate of...
  • TMRT Ka-band (26.1-35GHz) obs. of Orion-KL

    We conducted a Ka-band (26.1-35GHz) line survey toward Orion KL using the TianMa 65m Radio Telescope (TMRT). It is the first blind line survey in the Ka band and achieves a...
  • A CO survey of the entire northern sky

    We present a very large extension of the Galactic plane CO survey of Dame+ (2001ApJ...547..792D) to the entire northern sky ({delta}>-17{deg}). The extension was carried out...
  • Iso-propyl cyanide rotational study

    A detailed analysis of the rotational spectra of the interstellar iso-propyl cyanide has been carried out up to 480GHz using three different high-resolution spectroscopic...
  • ND_2_ rotational spectrum

    The deuteration mechanism of molecules in the interstellar medium is still being debated. Observations of deuterium-bearing species in several astronomical sources represent a...
  • Cyanoacetylene (HC_3_N) infrared spectrum

    HC_3_N is a ubiquitous molecule in interstellar environments, from external galaxies to Galactic interstellar clouds, star-forming regions, and planetary atmospheres....
  • Spectral line surveys of 30 regions

    Spectral line surveys are an indispensable tool for exploring the physical and chemical evolution of astrophysical environments due to the vast amount of data that can be...
  • NH_2_CH_2_CN transition frequencies

    It is important to study possible precursors of amino acids such as glycine to enable future searches in interstellar space. Aminoacetonitrile (NH_2_CH_2_CN) is one of the most...
  • Rotational spectra of aminoacetonitrile

    We report a detailed spectroscopic investigation of the interstellar aminoacetonitrile, a possible precursor molecule of glycine. Using a combination of Stark and...
  • Propenal (CH_2_CHCHO) transition frequencies

    Since interstellar detection of propenal is only based on two rotational transitions in the centimeter wave region, its high resolution rotational spectrum has been measured up...
  • Aminoacetonitrile transition frequencies

    Aminoacetonitrile, NH_2-CH_2_-CN, has been considered one of the important precursors of glycine, the simplest amino acid, and was identified in Sgr B2(N) by Belloche et al....
  • The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS). V.

    We present the results of observations of 1882 sources in the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) at 1.1mm with the 10m Henrich Hertz Telescope simultaneously in HCO^+^J=3-2...
  • Spitzer Atlas of Stellar Spectra (SASS)

    The Spitzer Atlas of Stellar Spectra (SASS) includes 159 stellar spectra (5 to 32um; R~100) taken with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. It gathers...
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